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Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations (51523 entries)
温度调节器 attemperator
温度分布 temperature distribution
温度分析 temperature analysis
温度气压计 thermobarometer
温度校正 correction for temperature
温度场 temperature field
温度场的变化 variation of temperature field
温度效应 temperature effect
温度测量仪器 temperature measuring instrument
温度作用 temperature action
温度作用 thermal action
温度陡度温 temperature gradient
温度陡度温 temp grad
温度补偿 correction for temperature
温度表 thermometer
温度扩散 temperature diffusion
温度扩散 thermo diffusion
温度湿度记录器 thermohygrograph
温度湿度记录表 record for temperature and humidity
温度应力 temperature stress