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Terms for subject Agriculture (170077 entries)
密叶 heavy foliage
密叶的 closely-leaved
密叶的 confertifolious
密叶的 densely leaved
密叶的 pycnophyllous
密翼的 closely-winged
拆下 dismantle
拆下齿轮 pull off gear
拆捆器 bale breaker
拆散 pull
拆除 delink
拆除 take down
拆除器 remover
拆卸 dismantle
拆卸修理与替换 remove repair and replace
拆垛机 destacker
拆线器 disconnector
拆装工具 replacer
separation of copulating moth
拆对分裂 disjunctional division