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Terms for subject Securities (50561 entries)
联合购买证券 joint purchase
联合贷款 co-financing
联合贷款 loan participation
联合贷款责任 liabilities on joint loans
联合贷款银团 syndicate
联合债券 combination bonds
联合债券 consolidated bonds
联合债券 joint and several bond
联合债券 unified bonds
联合主权 co-joint sovereignty
联合行动协议 agreement to act in concert
联合坐庄 collusion
联合公司 Keiretsu
联合浮动汇制 joint floating exchange rate
联合筹资 pool financing
联合签字 joint signature
联合垄断企业 Konzern
联合的趋势 agglomerative tendency
联合投资 in concert
联合投资基金 collective investment fund