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Terms for subject Nursing (15900 entries)
体弱儿 debility child
体位 position
体位标志法 localization of acupuncture points according to anatomical landmarks
体位引流 postural drainage
体位变换测验 positional tests
体位变换试验 transform posture test
体腔降温 Body cavity cooling
体象障碍 body image disturbance
体表标测 surface mapping
体表降温 surface cooling
体表降温 surface hypothermia
体表心脏等电位标测图 body surface isopotential mapping
体佩助听器 body-worn hearing aid
体蒂 body stalk
体内活体染色 intravital staining
体内活体染色 vital staining
体内受精 in vivo fertilization
体疗师 remedial gymnast
体力活动能量消耗 energy expenditure of physical action
体循环淤血 congestion of systemic circulation