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Terms for subject Plastic surgery (5088 entries)
Preiser 普赖泽病非骨折引起的舟骨骨质疏松、萎缩及无菌性坏死 Preiser's disease
Preiser 病 Preiser's disease
Proteus 综合征多种组织不规则的过度生长 Proteus syndrome
佐剂病 adjuvant disease
恐畸形症 dysmorphophobia
畐鼻孔 accessory nostril
腐蚀剂损伤 corrosive agent injury
睑成形术后 postblepharoplasty
睑外翻 eversion of eyelid
睑缘 palpebral margin
睑缘切口 lid margin incision
睑缘缝合术 eyelid tarsorrhaphy
睑错位 eyelid malposition
睑缝合术 eyelid tarsorrhaphy
睑缺损 coloboma of eyelid
睑赘皮 epiblepharon
睑板条 tarsal strip
睑板条外眦成形术 tarsal strip lateral canthoplasty
睑板结膜瓣 tarsoconjunctival flap
睑颊沟下睑外侧和颊部之间的凹陷 palpebromalar groove