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Terms for subject Securities (50561 entries)
求偿人 claimant
求得公平市场价值的市场法 market approach to fair market value
求援信 begging letter
C 类份额 C share
C 股法人股 C share
C 股市场 C share market
CAC 40指数 CAC 40 index
CRB 指数 Commodity Research Bureau Index
CUSIP 编号证券统一编码方法委员会为证券编制的号,号标在证券的表面 CUSIP number
C级标准普尔债券信用评级的一个等级,极度投机型债券级别,极易发生违约风险 C
元月效应上年底投资人因结算而抛售持股,来年元月要重新建仓,因而使来年元月的股价上涨 January effect
元月晴雨计 January barometer
权威性的解释 authentic interpretation
权责范围 terms of reference
权责清晰 clear definition of powers and responsibilities
权责分明 clear definition of powers and responsibilities
权责明确 well-defined right and responsibility
权责发生制会计 accrual basis
权责发生制会计 accounting on accrual basis
权责发生制会计惯例 accrual accounting convention