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Terms for subject Textile industry (163041 entries)
允许转让 allow transfer
允许转运 transhipment allowed
允许转运 transhipment to be allowed
允许转口 allow transfer
允许的 allowed
允许残留不平衡量 admissible residual unbalance
允许排出浓度 allowable emission limit
允许折扣 potential discount
允许让渡 allow transfer
允许疵点标准 acceptable defect level
允许差异 permissible variation
允许时间 allowance time
允差时间 allowance time
十一碳烯酸 undecylenic acid
十分讲究衣着的人 best dress
十分讲究衣着的人 best dresser
十月 Oct
十样锦 ten kinds of sichun brocade
十片裙 ten panel skirt
十字锁边绣 crossed blanket stitch