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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
123 号运动员进人下一赛次 Runner No. 123 has advanced to the next round
126 号运动员已取得参加决赛资格 No. 126 has qualified for the final
14 号运动员因伤退出比赛 No. 14 withdrew from the race because of injury
15 分制 15-point system
15 秒原地疾跑心电图运动试验 15-sec sprinting ECG exercise test
1500 米赛跑注释:括号内的用法常见于新闻报道中。 1500 m race
1500 米赛跑注释:括号内的用法常见于新闻报道中。 1500 metres race
1500 米赛跑注释:括号内的用法常见于新闻报道中。 1500-metre race
1500-metre swim
15秒疾跑试验 15-sec sprinting test
16强 final 16
17 羟基类固醇 17-hydroxysteroid
17-羟-11 -脱氢皮质 cortisone
17-羟甾类 17-hydroxysteroid
17-羟孕 17-hydroxyprogesterone
17-羟类固醇 17-hydroxysteroid
170 测验心率 170 次/分的身体活动能力测验 PWC - 170 test PWC
180° 转弯的 one-eighty
1977 年、 第一届国际田联世界杯赛在德国杜塞尔多夫城举行 In 1977 the first IAAF World Cup was held in Dusseldorf
1985 年国际田联世界田径系列赛诞生了、它成为国际田联"一揽子"系列比赛项目 In 1985, the IAAF World Athletics Series was born as a package of IAAF events