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Terms for subject Nursing (15900 entries)
咽鼓管阻力测量 [法] tuboresistometry
咽鼓管阻力计 tuboresistometer
咽鼓管扁桃体 tubal tonsil
咽鼓管炎 tubotympanic catarrh
咽鼓管咽口 pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
咽鼓管狭窄 eustachian tube stenosis
咽鼓管声测[法] sonotubometry
咽鼓管导管吹张术 eustachian catheterization
咽真菌病 pharyngomycosis
咽瘢痕性狭窄 cicatricial stricture of pharynx
咽头 pharynx
咽鼻炎 pharyngorhinitis
咽癌 cancer of pharynx
咽神经症 neurosis of pharynx
咽喉脓肿手术 throat abscess operation
咽喉脓肿护理 nursing care of throat abscess
咽喉炎 pharyngolaryngitis
咽喉梗阻护理 nursing care of laryngeal obstruction
咽喉食管全切除术 total pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy
咽憩室 pharyngeal diverticulum