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Terms for subject General (491904 entries)
飞机尾部机关枪〔炮〕 stinger
飞机所有者与驾驶员协会 Aircraft Owners' and Pilots' Association
飞机附件制造公司 Aircraft Accessories Corp.
飞机附件助理维修工 acc maint hlpr aircraft accessories maintenance helper
飞机之间的 interplane
飞机行李厢 storage bin
飞机位置 flight position
飞机位置指示器 aircraft position reporter
飞机配置标示盘指挥空战孭的 aircraft operations board
飞机降落前在机场上空不同高度盘旋 air-stack
飞机降落跑道了,麦克斯及他的旅游团马上就来了 The flight is running on the runway, Max and his tour group is coming
飞机救伊撤运 aeromedical evacuation
飞机V字队形 vic
飞机余存燃料所可飞行的小时数 hours of fuel
飞机晚到 aircraft delay
飞机晚点,我们在机场等了整整八个小时 The flight was delayed, and we waited in the airport for eight whole hours
飞机晚点是我们的责任,如果您继续搭乘我们的航班,您的住宿费用将由我们来承担 Since the flight delay was our fault and you are continuing on with our airline, we will cover the cost of a hotel room
飞机作战区 aircraft fighting zone
飞机坠落 break
飞机坠毁 clobber