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Terms for subject Project management (16871 entries)
预付款担保 advance payment bond
预付款保证 advance payment security
预付款保函 pre-payment guarantee
预付补偿金 advance compensation
预可行性研究 preliminary feasibility study
预想图 rendering
内销 domestic sales
内向型性格的 introvert
内向型的人 introvert
内外控倾向 locus of control
内账 secret ledger
内在奖励 intrinsic reward
内含平减物价指数 implicit price deflator
内核是任何操作系统中的一个重要部分、是软件与硬件之间交流的桥梁 A kernel is an important part of any operating system, providing the communication bridge between hardware and software
内陆海关关税 inland customs dues
内嵌 PostScript 文件 EPSF
内嵌的超级链接 embedded hyperlink
内嵌接口 embedded interface
内幕买卖 insider dealing
内幕人士 insider