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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (268 entries)
交纳各人应纳的税 scot and lot
储蓄证券 savings certificate
粮食批发商 corn factor
粮食零售商 corn chandler
新股票发行经纪行 issuing house
钱夹 note case
劳资协商会 trade board
劳资联络委员会 works council
劳资法庭处理雇主与工会的纠纷 industrial court
劳役地租 rent service
劳工介绍所 employment exchange
获得…好感〔赏识〕 find favour with
容量单位合1/4拜尔 firkin
人身保护法 Habeas Corpus Act
妻子所得税减免 wife's earned income allowance
疾病津贴 sickness benefit
私有土地的通行税 toll traverse
裁减职工补助金 redundancy of the payment