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Terms for subject Biology (27494 entries)
番茄西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科 common tomato
番茄西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科 love apple
番茄西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科 tomato
番茄 poor man's apple
番茄 tomato
番茄西红柿,Lycopericum esculentum Mill. tomato
番茄西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科 tomato plant
番茄茎腐病 stem and fruit rot of tomato
番茄萎蔫病 fusarium wilt of tomato
番茄萎蔫病 tomato fusarium wilt
番茄褐夜蛾 dingy cutworm
番茄褐腐病 tomato buckeye rot
番茄褐色根腐病 root rot of tomato
番茄褐斑病 gray leaf spot of tomato
番茄丛矮病毒 tomato bushy stunt virus
番茄夜蛾 tomato moth
番茄夜蛾 brown-eye moth
番茄猝倒病 pythium fruit rot of tomato
番茄猝倒病 tomato damping-off
番茄天蛾 northern hornworm