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Terms for subject Environment (7397 entries)
抗寒性类别 category of cold resistance
抗热荒漠 heat-resistant desert
抗旱作物 drought-tolerant crop
抗击火灾的时间标准 elapsed time standards
暗礁 reef (A line of rocks in the tidal zone of a coast, submerged at high water but partly uncovered at low water)
林业 forestry (The management of forest lands for wood, forages, water, wildlife, and recreation)
林业生产 forest production (Forests produce a range of products including firewood and charcoal, lumber, paper, and crops such as coffee, oil palm, and rubber. With careful planning of growth and harvesting, wood and other forest products are, in principle, renewable resources. But achieving renewability takes time - often decades, sometimes centuries. Without careful management, pressure for short-term exploitation can lead to tree removal, soil degradation, and conversion of woodland to other uses. Consumption of forest resources can lead to environmental problems as well as loss of critical habitat and species)
林业单位 forestry unit (Any entity or group of individuals involved with the creation, management and conservation of an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, clean water, biodiversity and recreation)
林业实践 forestry practice (The farming of trees to ensure a continuing supply of timber and other forest products. Foresters care for existing trees, protecting them from fire, pests and diseases, and felling where trees are overcrowded or dying and when ready for cropping. They also plant new areas (afforestation) and replant felled areas (reafforestation))
林业环境冲击 environmental impact of forestry (The world's forestry resources are shrinking at an alarming rate. The need for foreign exchange encourages many developing countries to cut timber faster than forests can be regenerated. This overcutting not only depletes the resource that underpins the world timber trade, it causes loss of forest-based livelihoods, increases soil erosion and downstream flooding, and accelerates the loss of species and genetic resources)
林业立法 forestry legislation (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the use and conservation of wooded areas, most often those owned by the government itself)
林业经济 forestry economics (The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services from the industry involved with the process of establishing and managing forests)
林业法 forestry law (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any extensive area of woodland, for the protection and preservation of game, timber and other forest resources)
林地清理 woodland clearance (The permanent clear-felling of an area of forest or woodland. On steep slopes this can lead to severe soil erosion, especially where heavy seasonal rains or the melting of snow at higher levels cause sudden heavy flows of water. In the humid tropics it may also lead to a release of carbon dioxide from the soil)
林地生态系统 woodland ecosystem (The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in wooded areas or land areas covered with trees and shrubs)
iodine (A nonmetallic halogen element; the poisonous, corrosive dark plates or granules are readily sublimed; insoluble in water, soluble in common solvents; used as germicide and antiseptic, in dyes, tinctures, and pharmaceuticals, in engraving lithography, and as a catalyst and analytical reagent)
粘合剂 adhesive (Substance used for sticking objects together, such as glue, cement, or paste)
粘度 viscosity (Energy dissipation and generation of stresses in a fluid by the distortion of fluid elements; quantitatively, when otherwise qualified, the absolute viscosity. Also known as flow resistance)
wall (A vertical construction made of stone, brick, wood, etc., with a length and height much greater than its thickness, used to enclose, divide or support)
sand (A loose material consisting of small mineral particles, or rock and mineral particles, distinguishable by the naked eye; grains vary from almost spherical to angular, with a diameter range from 1/16 to 2 millimeters)