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Terms for subject Technology (1067508 entries)
鉴定卡 identification card
鉴定书 expertise report
鉴定器 assessor
鉴定器 detector
鉴定灰壤土和灰化土 identification of podzols and podzolised soils
鉴定技术 judging technique
鉴定极限 realizable limit
鉴定颜色纯度 judge a color
鉴定颜色纯度 judge a colour
鉴定管 assessor
鉴定报告 expert's report
鉴定报告 surveyor's report
鉴定家 connoisseur
鉴定方法 appraisal method
鉴定方法 method of determination
鉴定方法 methods of determination
鉴定人 expert witness
鉴定人 identifying operator
鉴定检索表 key for identification
鉴定品质证书 surveyor's quality certificate