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Terms for subject International Monetary Fund (12416 entries)
从众行为 herd behavior
从众行为 herd effect
从众行为 bandwagon
从众行为 bandwagon behavior
从众行为 bandwagon effect
从众行为 lemming-like behavior
从众策略 crowded trade
从众策略 concentration of market positions
从众策略 concentration of positions
从众策略 herding
从众交易 crowded trade
从众交易 concentration of market positions
从众交易 concentration of positions
从众交易 herding
从货币和财政刺激中退出 exit from monetary and fiscal stimulus
从源扣缴 tax withholding
从源扣缴 withholding at source
从价 ad valorem (taxation)
从价关税 ad valorem tariff
从基金组织提款 draw on the IMF