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Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology (461 entries)
把薰衣草香水装进喷瓶,在床上喷洒一遍 Put lavender water in a perfume atomizer and spray above your bed
残留的 residual
和...一样纯净 as pure as
美白产品 whitening product
美宝莲 Maybelline
美国普通消费者每天要使用十种左右的美容护肤品,包括化妆品、香皂、洗发水、沐浴液、发胶及古龙香水等。七、办公用品 An average U. S. consumer uses about 10 cosmetic products every day, including makeup, soap, shampoo, lotion, hair gel and cologne
膏状 paste
沐浴露 body shower foam
库存单位 SKU
底色 undertone
抗老防皱的 anti-wrinkle
暗黄肌肤 dark skin
香脂油昔日用于疗伤等,香液 balm
香茅香茅油可用于香水和肥皂 citronella
尤指宗教礼仪用的,熏香 incense
香水 fragrance
香水通常可存放一年左右,保存于室温下即可 Perfume usually can be deposited a year or so, placed at room temperature
香水是设计用来喷洒在皮肤上的 Fragrance is formulated only to be applied to the skin
香水制造厂,香水商店,香水制造 perfumery
香水制造的工艺过程一般包括准备精华油、预处理、混合、陈化、成品检验、装瓶 The manufacturing process of perfumes includes preparing essence oil, pretreatment, blending, maturing, production inspection and bottling