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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
转动调节器 rotary actuator
转动分力 rotary component
转动分量 rotational component
转动分量 rotary component
转动鼓轮游戏 revolving drum
转动速率 rate of rotation
转动锥形计时器 rotating cone timer
转动阻力 rotary resistance
转动阻力 rotational resistance
转动效应 rotational effect
转动半径 radius of rotation
转动手使掌心向上 supinate
转动关节 revolute joint
转动即时轴 instantaneous axis of rotation
转动即时心 instantaneous centre of rotation
转动轴 centre of rotation
转动轴心 centre of rotation
转动的 rotational
转动的 rotary
转动定律 law of rotation