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Terms for subject General (491904 entries)
说得对题 speak to the question
说得对题 speak to the point
说写不能 amerisia
说写失能 aprophoria
说办就办 no sooner said than done
说实在的 for that matter
说实在的 for the matter of that
说实在话 in (all) truth
说实在话 of a truth
说实话 tell the truth
说实话 to tell the truth
说实话 not to put too fine a point on it
说实话 not to put too fine a point upon it
说实话,你的道歉不被接受 To tell the truth, your apology can't be accepted
说实话的 veridic
说实话的 veridical
说废话 cackle
说傻话〔幼稚无聊话〕 drivel
说傻话 drool
说什发货单 account