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Terms for subject Economy (107060 entries)
货币同盟 monetary convention
货币同盟 monetary union
货币不足 money deficit
货币名义成本 nominal cost of money
货币名目主义 nominalism
货币名目论 nominalism
货币与价格数量论 quantity theory of money and price
货币税 tax on paid in money
货币化 monetize
货币化的剩余价值 realized surplus-value
货币错觉 money illusion
货币错觉指人们大多看重货币的现时价值,而较少考虑其实际购买力的变动的心理错觉 money illusion
货币会议 monetary conference
货币通货膨胀 monetary inflation
货币比价调整 monetary realignment
货币美元购买力 purchasing power of the dollar
货币黄金升值 upward revaluation of currency
货币【金融】的 monetary
货币除交易媒介外 的能动作用 dynamic function of money
货币调节功能 monetary mechanisms