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Terms for subject Commerce (26679 entries)
free in
船方不负担装卸、理舱及平舱费用 free in and out, stowed, trimmed
船方不负担装卸费用 free in and out
船方不负担装卸费及理舱与平舱费 free in and out, and stowed and trimmed
船方不负担装卸及平舱费用 free in and out and trimmed
船方负担装卸货费用 gross terms
船方支付捐税 steamer pays dues
船边交货提单 alongside B/L
船边交货价格 free from alongside
船边交货价格发票 FAS invoice
船壁 blackhead
船必须在潮转前离港 The boat has to leave the port before the turn of the tide
船运小件货物收据 shipping parcel receipt
船运公会 chamber of shipping
船运的亦缩为 SHIPD shipped
船租 boat hire
船触暗礁而漏水 The ship was bilged by a snag
船只与货物 ship and goods
船只安全通过了沙洲 The ship crossed the bar of sand safely
船只撞到礁石上 The ships collided against a rock