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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
脱色 discoloration
missed target
脱垂 prolapse
脱节 out of joint
脱辅基脂蛋白 apolipoprotein
脱辅基脂蛋白 apoprotein
脱辅基酶蛋白 apoenzyme
脱钙 decalcification
脱肛 prolapse of the anus
脱羧作用 decarboxylation
脱羧酶 decarboxylase
脱羧辅酶 diphosphothiamine
脱身 scoot
脱去脂肪 de-fat
脱离 ablation
脱离 disengage
脱离 slough
脱离组织 breakaway
脱离困境 pull through