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Terms for subject Football (3918 entries)
脚跟踢球 heel kick
脚跟钩挑传球 heel-volley flick pass
通过中路 through the middle
通过空挡传球 through pass
猛射 crashing shot
猛射球入网底 crash the ball into the net
猛踢 boot
猛踢 sweep the ball
猛攻 assault
猛烈攻门 set up a big raid on the goalmouth
猛烈进攻 furious attack
东道主 host country
东道国队 host nation
东京杯 hayago senshuken
东京杯 Tokyo Cup
东京日视队日本 Tokyo Verdy
猜先 nigiri
<韩〉围棋 Baduk
<韩〉围棋 Paduk