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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
股骨头 caput femoris
股骨头 femoral head
股骨头 head of femur
股骨头骨骺分离 epiphyseal separation of femoral head
股骨头骨骺软骨炎 osteochondritis of capital epiphysis of femur
股骨头骨骺炎 epiphysitis of femoral head
股骨头骨骺滑脱症 epiphyseal slipping of femoral head
股骨干骨折 fracture of femoral shaft
股骨嵴 rough line
股骨的 femoral
股骨内課 medial condyle of femur
股骨内髁 medial femoral condyle
股骨颈骨折 fracture of neck of femur
股骨骨折牵引器巴尔干架 Balkan frame
股骨課 femoral condyle
股骨远端骨骺分离 separation of distal femoral epiphysis
股环 femoral ring
股方肌 musculus quadratus femoris
股方肌 quadratus femoris
股四头肌 four-headed thigh