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Terms for subject Weightlifting (1496 entries)
斜板飞鸟 flying bird on incline bench
膝上硬举 high pull up
膝上抓 snatch from the belt
膝上膝下抓 snatch from the hang
膝上膝下抓举 snatch from the hang
膝上膝下提铃 dead hang clean
膝上膝下提铃 hang clean
膝上拉 regular snatch from knee height
膝上拉抓举 regular snatch from knee height
膝上翻 clean pull from knee height
膝盖触地 touch the ground with the knee
膝触地犯规 touch the ground with the knee
额外试举 extra attempt
增加重量 increase weight
实用跑步力量练习器 real runner
实力推 military press
实心药球 medicine ball
实时分析系统 real-time analysis
原地挺不分腿挺举 stand jerk with knee bending
原地挺 standing