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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
编制国家中长期科学和技术发展规划 formulate a medium-and long-range state plan for developing science and technology
编入 compile
编辑责任制度 system of editorial responsibility
编辑加工 edit
众议院意大利、巴西等 Chamber of Deputies (Italy, Brazil)
众议院美国 House of Representatives (America)
列明 specify
列队举持 raised or carried in a procession
列账 record in accounts
列席 attend sessions as nonvoting delegates
列席会议 attend a meeting as non-voting observers
列席会议 attend a meeting as non-voting participants
列席会议 attend meetings but without voting rights
列席会议 sit in on meetings
列席常委会会议的同志 non-voting participants in meetings held by the Standing Committee
列席全国人民代表大会常务委员会会议 attend a meeting of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee as non-voting observers
列支 disburse
列支 drawn from
列为优先领域 field given first priority to
列为国家重点警戒目标 include in the list of the key places for security