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Terms for subject United Nations (8542 entries)
法国"独角兽"部队 French Licorne forces
法国宪法委员 French Constitutional Commission
试管和试剂 tubes, reagents
试管受精胚胎 in vitro fertilized embryos
取样 sample
取得的经验 lessons learned
取岩心 coring
拖欠保险费 default insurance on the loan
拖欠工资、养恤金和奖学金 salary, pension and scholarship arrears
拖车 trailers
拖车集装箱和海运集装箱 containers are mobile shelters used for a specific purpose/service. there are three basic types of containers: truck mounted, trailer mounted and sea containers
拖车集装箱无须拆卸,但不作为车辆类拖车予以偿还。 trailer-mounted containers need not be dismounted, but are not reimbursed as trailers in the vehicle category
竖立界标 boundary markers (construction of)
竖立界碑 pillar emplacement
蓖麻毒素   ricin
受感染血液 infected blood
受托 trusteeship
受托人 trustee
受影响发展中国家缔约方 affected developing country Parties
受影响国家缔约方 affected country Parties