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Terms for subject Planning (707 entries)
滞延成本 balance-delay cost
连续生产 process production
连续性计划制定 programming-rolling
统一计划 unified planning
统一经济计划 unified economic planning
统筹兼顾 over-all planning
统计指标 statistical indicators
统计指标 statistical indices
统计管理 statistical management
迟延均值 mean lateness
几上几下制订计划过程 iterate
代际公平 intergenerational equity
以需定产 gearing production to demand
以产定销 sales determined by products
工业生产计划 production plan of industry
工业总产值 gross industrial output value
工业计划 industrial planning
工业产品计划 plan of factory products
工业综合计划 industrial complex plans
工资基金计划 plan of wage fund