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Terms for subject Agriculture (171208 entries)
经济施肥预算 calculation of economic dressing
经济品系 economic strain
经济规划 economic programming
经济评估 economical estimation
经济评价 economical estimation
经济集结模型 economy aggregate model
Economic and Social Council
Economic and Social Committee
经济操作 economic operation
经济重要性 economical importance
经济发展水平 level of economic development
经济发展趋势 tendency of the economic development
经济科学诺贝尔奖 Nobel prize in economic science
经济受害水平 economic injury level
经济统制 control of economy
经济择伐 economical selection cutting
经济自主[性] economic independence
经济独立性 economic independence
经济目的 economic purpose
经济可行性 economic feasibility