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Terms for subject General (491911 entries)
迈尔热容量单位 mayer
迈尔斯学院 Miles College
迈谢德伊朗城市 Meshed
迈阿密 Miami
迈阿密海滩 Miami Beach
迈阿密人 Miami
迈阿密语 Miami
迈阿密国际航空港 Miami International Airport
迈阿密国际艺术与设计大学 Miami International University of Art & Design
迈克吃了变质的食物,现在需要急诊 Mike has eaten something rotten, so he needs an emergency treatment right now
迈克尔掐灭了香烟头,穿上了工作裤、工作衫,戴上了大多数西西里男子常戴的那种鸭舌帽 Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore
迈克佛森学院 McPherson College
迈克斯用镶有心形钻石的戒指向她求婚 Max proposed marriage to her with a piece of heart-shaped diamond on the ring
迈卡邦德绝缘材料 micabond
迈步地 with great strides
迈步地 with big strides
迈步地 with rapid strides
迈蚁亚属 Myzomyia
迈亚密霉素 miamycin
迈果皂苷元 magogenin