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Terms for subject Project management (16871 entries)
征收百分率 percentage charges
征款 levy
极少主义 minimalist
禁止 embargo
禁止…船只出人 put an embargo on
禁止输人 import ban
禁止令 restraining order
突发传输 burst
突发的 bursty
突出显示 highlight
要开始打印喷嘴检查图案吗?将一些纸张放入自动送纸器、继续打印 Start printing nozzle check pattern? Load some paper in the auto sheet feeder to proceed with printing
要创建蒙版、需点击图层面板下添加矢量蒙版按钮 To create the mask, click on the Add vector mask button at the bottom of the Layers Panel
要传真的文档将自动转换为 TIFF 图像文件并附加到电子邮件中 The document you want to fax is automatically converted to a TIFF image file and attached to an e-mail message
要删除符号链接、你只需要删除创建的链接文件就可以了。确保别删除了原始文件 To delete a symlink, you can just delete the link. Just make sure you don't delete the original file
要删除这些项、必须使用 undo 命令撤销当前挂起的更改 To delete such items, you must undo the current pending change using the undo command
要素价格 factor price
要样 ask for samples
schedule of requirements
要求调整合同价 claim for adjustment of price
要求有编写机顶盒应用程序或曾开发机顶盒 UI 和界面的经验 Experience of writing STB application program, UI interface is required