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Terms for subject Finances (40159 entries)
顺差来源国 surplus countries of origin
顺差额 favorable marks
顺差国家 surplus countries
养老费 pension cost
养老公积 reserve for pensions
养老金 old age pension
养老金投保计划 insured pension plan
养老金办法 pension plan
养老金方案 pattern pension plan
养老金准备 pension reserve
养老金固定缴款计划 defined contribution plan
养老金固定收益计划 defined benefit pension plan
养老保险 endowment assurance
养老保险 endowment insurance
养老保险省级统筹制度 nationwide pension planning system at the provincial level
养老基金 superannuation fund
养恤金摊款 superannuation contribution
幻想 notional
彻底 scrutiny
彻底改变政策 make a policy U-turn