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Terms for subject Business (122442 entries)
税收抵免 matching credit
税收抵免的纳税人条件 persons eligible
税收抵免互惠协定 bilateral agreement on tax credit
税收抵免方案 tax credit scheme
税收押金 duty deposit
税收参考价格如原油牌价作为征税依据 tax reference price
税收评定人 tax assessor
税收准备 provision for taxation
税收减免 tax credit
税收受益 tax benefit
税收统计 tax statistics
税收查证人 appraiser
税收更正 reassessment of taxes
税款包收入 tax farmer
税款分摊 distribution of duty
税款缴纳不足 underpayment of a tax obligation
税款摊销 amortization of taxes
税款扣缴制 withholding system
税款登记表 duty sheet
税款征收 collection of tax