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Terms for subject Business (122442 entries)
票据上的记载事项 statements in the instrument
giver of an aval
票据外责任 liability outside the instrument
票据业务 bill business
票据账 bills account
票据用作通货 note in substitution for currency
票据本金 principal of a note
票据到期通知书 note maturity notice
票据到期拒付分录 entry if note is dishonored
票据到期日 maturity date of a note
票据贴现 bill discounted
票据贴现 bill discount
票据贴现 discount of bill
票据贴现 discount of notes
票据贴现 discount on bill
票据贴现 discount on check
票据贴现业者 bill discounter
票据贴现收益 gain from discounting notes
票据贴现收益 gain from discounting note
票据贴现率 bill rate