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Terms for subject Business (122442 entries)
票据交换员 clearer
票据交换员 in-clearer
票据交换结算余额基金 fund for clearing balance
票据交换代理人 clearance agent
票据交换工 clearing labour
票据交结所 banker's clearing house
票据产生的义务 obligation arising out of the instrument
票据议付参阅 negotiation negotiation of bill
票据议付 documentary negotiation
票据记录簿 note of register
票据抵押贷款 loan on bill
票据抵押贷款 loan on note
票据抵押放款 loan on bill
票据经纪人 note broker
票据拒付 dishonour of bill
票据拒付证书 protest for bills
票据结算差额 bill clearing balance
票据法 law of negotiable instrument
票据法上的抗辩权 defence upon the bill
票据付讫通知 advice of bill paid