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Terms for subject Economy (107058 entries)
盘秤 hand scope scale
盘秤 a hang scoop scale
盘问 cross questioning
盘问 pump
盘称 hang scoop scale
秘而不宣 hush
秘书将合同所附的执行备忘录复印件交给部门主管 The secretary gave the department head the duplicated executing memoranda supplemental to the contract
秘书将公证人的印章盖在公文上 The secretary affixed the notary's stamp to the papers
秘书是办公室各种记录和印章的保管人 The secretary is custodian of all kinds of records and of the seal in the office
秘书正在把经理的口授速记下来 The secretary was taking dictation from the manager by shorthand
秘书长 chief secretary
秘书安排把她的信件发送出去 The secretary arranged for her mail to be forwarded
秘书把公文留在家里了 The secretary left the official documents in her house
秘书把这些信放入顾客档案 The secretary put these letters in the customer file
秘书应保存好股东大会的会议记录和有关文件 The secretary should keep the minutes and official documents of the shareholder's meetings
秘书沿虚线将收据裁下来 The secretary cut off the receipt along the line shown by the row of dots
秘书从委员会的报告中摘录了两段 The secretary extracted two paragraphs from the committee's report
秘书保存了上次会议的记录,以备査考 The Secretary keeps the minutes of the last meeting for reference
秘书工作的一个重要部分是处理打进来的电话 An important part of a secretary's job is dealing with incoming calls
秘书课程 secretarial course