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Terms for subject Baseball (2721 entries)
四坏球自由上垒 free check
四坏球自由上垒 gift
四坏球自由进垒 free pass
四环球后送上垒 base on balls
四环球自由上垒 pass
四人赛艇 four
四人赛艇的全体人员 four
进球有效 goal counts
进场防守 take the field
进攻队 batting team
进攻队 team at bat
进攻队 offence team
进攻队 side at bat
进攻队员 attacker
进攻队员 attackman
进攻掩护 offensive screening
进入一垒 get to first base
进垒 advance
进垒 move up
进垒点 location