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Terms for subject Ecology (19635 entries)
生长异质性 growth heterogeneity
生长适应性 growth adaptability
生长调节物 growth regulator
生长与生理特性 growth and physiological characteristic
生长缓慢 set back
生长速率 growth speed
生长模型 growth modelling
生长带 zone of growth
生长性状 growth character
生长质量 growth quality
生长截距法 growth intercept
生长轮密度 growth ring density
生长特性 growth characteristic
生长和耗水 growth and water consuming
生长抑制试验 growth inhibition test
生长势 growth vigor
生长规律 growth pattern
生长及材性 growth and lignum characteristic
生长变异 growth variation
生境 site