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Terms for subject Biology (27522 entries)
甘蓝黑斑病 alternaria leaf spot of cabbage
甘蓝黑胫病 black leg of cabbage
甘蓝菜蝽 cabbage stink bug
甘蓝蓟马 cabbage thrips
甘蓝无胆甾原体 acholeplasma brassicae
甘蓝跳甲 cabbage flea beetle
甘蓝叶蜂 cabbage sawfly
甘蓝叶斑病 leaf spot of cabbage
缘蜡科 coreid bugs
缘蜡科 squash bugs
缘蜡科 leaffooted bugs and others
缘腹卵蜂科 egg-parasite wasps
缘腹卵蜂科 scelionid wasps
缘蝽科 squash bug
缘裂龙胆 fringed gentian
缘毛叶芦莉草 fringeleaf rueilia
蜘蛛孢蛋炭疽病 anthracnose of aspidistra
蜘蛛百合 bernard's lily
蜘蛛抱蛋 aspidistra
蜘蛛抱蛋 common aspidistra