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Terms for subject Agriculture (171208 entries)
焦棓酸 pyrogallol
焦糖着色和调味用 caramel
焦糖化 caramelization
焦距监控器 focus monitor
焦泥灰 charred mixture of soil and straw
焦泥炭肥料 charred peat
焦曲菌素 ustin
焦磷酸 pyrophosphate
焦磷酸 pyrophosphoric acid
焦磷酸化[作用]{农化} pyrophosphorylation
焦磷酸盐 pyrophosphate
焦磷酸法呢酯 farnesylpyrophosphate
焦磷酸四钠木材防腐剂,Na₄O₇P₂ tetrasodium pyrophosphate
焦磷酸铵 ammonium pyrophosphate
瘦土 thin soil
瘦地 infertile land
瘦弱 poverty
瘦弱的 emaciated
瘦弱的 lean