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Terms for subject Technology (1067508 entries)
点火发动机 igniter motor
点火棒 fire rod
点火棒 igniter stick
点火角 angle of ignition
点火试验 firing run
点火试验阀 firing test
点火滞后测试仪 ignition delay tester
点火迟延时间测试器 ignition delay tester
点火口 lighting hole
点火口 lighting-up tuyere
点火工具 firing tools
点火工具 firing tool
点火闩 ignition lock
点火拱 ignition arch
点火绳 fire rope
点火时间 duration of ignition
点火雷管 igniter pellet
点火凸轮 ignition can
点火系故障 ignition failure
点火系噪声 ignition noise