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Terms for subject Economy (107060 entries)
牵连 involvement
筵席税 feast tax
筵席捐 entertainment duty
遵照 in compliance for
遵照…办事 act up to
遵照贵方指示,该账将转入新开的账户 It shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions
遵照所嘱,谨寄上该款收据一张,请査收 Enclosed please find a receipt, as requested, for the amount
遵守 abide
遵守 void to
遵守 void by
遵守船舶转货种类规定的保证 trading warranty
遵守船舶装运货物种类规定的保证 the trading warranty
遵守契约义务 observe (one's) contractual obligation
遵守条约 an observance of treaty
遵守交货日期 meet delivery date
遵守诺言 keep (one's) word
遵循有计划、按比例发展的规律 abiding the law of planned and proportionate development
遵从 conformity
遵从 defer