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Terms for subject Metallurgy (192245 entries)
天平 scale
秤〔天平〕 盘 scale
秤杆 balance arm
秤杆 crossbeam
秤杆 weigh beam
秤杆 weight beam
秤盘 scale pan
蛤蟆夯 frog rammer
蛤蟆夯 ram machine
蛤蟆夯 ramming machine
蛤壳式底卸料桶 clamshell-type dump bucket
蛤壳式料桶 clamshell bucket
蛤壳形导板 clamshell guide
裤裆管 two legs of breech pipes
裤裆管 two-legs of breech pipes
以退火消除晶格扰动 annealing of lattice disturbance
以销定产 production based on sales
以… 为依据 【基础】 on the basis of...
以质取胜 gain reputation with first-grade quality
以质取胜 win reputation with top quality