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Terms for subject Fishery (fishing industry) (2070 entries)
渔舱容积 fish hold volume
渔舱容积 hold volume
渔舱容积 hold size
渔船 fishery vessel
渔船 fisher
渔船 fisherfolk
渔船 fishing vessels
渔船标识 marking of fishing vessels
渔船挡案 record of fishing vessels
渔区 fishing area
渔场 fishing ground
渔场到餐桌 sea to table
渔网 fishing net
渔具 gear
渔具 fishing gear
渔具选择性 gear selectivity
渔具限制 gear restriction
渔具作业机制 exploitation pattern (of a gear)
渔具类型 gear type
渔具的影响 gear impact