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Terms for subject Agriculture (171208 entries)
清除式搂草机 clearing rake
清除式搂草机 clearer rake
清除茬地 clear the field
清除夹杂物 trash-cleaning
清除砾石 boulder removal
清除块石 cleaning boulder
清除沉淀 scavenger precipitation
清除玉米穗苞叶风扇 shuck fan
清除计算机 clean computer
清除粪肥 dung removal
清除冲突 clear collision
清除反冲 debouncing
清除毛虫鳞翅目幼虫 Clearing of caterpillars
清除森林枯枝落叶层 removal of forest litter
清除积碳 carbon removal
清除积雪 snow elimination
清除铲 clearing blade
清扫蜂指工蜂 cleaning bee
清晰 clearing
清晰用三乙基磷酸 triethyl phosphate in clearing