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Terms for subject Bodybuilding (1431 entries)
站位 position of standing
站立两手拉力器弯举 standing two-arm cable curl
站立弯举 standing reverse curl
站立弯腿举杠铃 standing barbell curl
站立举踵 standing calf raise
站立体侧屈 standing side bend
站立单手拉力器弯举 standing one-arm cable curl
站立单腿举踵 standing one-legged calf raise
站立杠铃弯举 standing barbell curl
站立腿弯举 standing leg curl
站立交替哑铃弯举 standing alternate dumbbell curl
站立拉力器夹胸 standing expander press chest
站立拉力器夹胸 cable crossover
站立拉力器拉引 standing cable leg pull
站立曲杠弯举 standing EZ-bar curl
站距 distance of standing
四天二分化 four days double split
四头肌训练机 quadriceps
保持良好体形 stay in shape
绝对相同数 absolute same point