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Terms for subject Mechanic engineering (1866 entries)
消隐 blank off
针〔簧片〕阀 reed valve
馈电组件 feed assembly
馈源 feed assembly
喉面积 throat area
throat liner
安全壳冷却系统 containment cooling system
安全壳喷淋触发信号 containment spray actuation signal
foot mounting
安装盘 mounting flange
沉淀池〔器〕 sediment bowl
沉淀杯 sediment chamber
沉淀储油器 sediment chamber
炉子用于冷轧低碳钢的还原退火 The furnace is used to anneal and reduce cold rolled carbon steel
钉子 drive in a nail
床身过桥〔凹口〕镶块 gap piece
把手 hand lever
把手 die stock
compression ring
压〔密封〕环 junk ring