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Terms for subject Surgery (12910 entries)
西耳弗综合征 Silver syndrome
西莫纳尔系带 Simonart band
西莫纳尔系带 Simonart bar
西斯特朗克手术 Sistrunk procedure
长末端重复序列 long terminal repeat
长头畸形 dolichocephaly
长腿石膏固定 above knee cast
长腿石膏固定 long leg cast immobilization
长骨的成釉细胞瘤 adamantinoma of long bone
顿挫型穿孔 frustrated perforation
齿突 densodontoid
齿突 process of tooth
齿突尖 apex of dens
齿突尖韧带 apical ligament of dens
齿状丘脑束 dentatothalamic tract
齿状突 odontoid process
齿状突缺如 odontoid process separation
齿状红核束 dentatorubral tract
齿状线 anocutaneous line
齿状韧带 denticulate ligament