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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
选区合格选民的过半数 more than half of the eligible voters in a election district
选区划分 zoning of Electoral Districts
选区划分 division of geographical constituency
选区的选民 constituency
选区的选民 constituent
选举、决定任命中央国家机构组成人员 elect and appoint members of the central state organs
选举省长 elect the governors
选举程序 election procedure
选举业主委员会 election of the owners' committee
选举制度 electoral system
选举主席团 elect a Presidium
选举权 the vote
选举权 right to vote
选举权和被选举权 the right to vote and stand for election
选举单位 electoral units
选举单位 unit that makes an election
选举单位 electoral unit
选举并有权罢免 elect and have the power to recall
选举厂长 elect the factory director
选举的厂长 person elected as factory director