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Terms for subject Environment (7397 entries)
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霉菌 mycete (Nucleated usually filamentous, sporebearing organisms devoid of chlorophyll)
油的 fat liquored
上游石油工业安全特别工作组 Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety
上升地理, 地壳的垂直不稳定性,包括它的上下移动(如意大利的那不勒斯西部的火山地带) rising (The slow vertical instability of the earth crust involving up-and-down movements as in the volcanic district west of Naples, Italy; geological)
上升流带 upwelling zone
上升蒸腾流 ascending transpiration flow
上议院 Upper House (The body of a bicameral legislature comprising either representatives of member states in a federation or a select number of individuals from certain privileged estates or social classes)
上环野生动物, 给鸟的腿上带上编号的环来记录鸟的移动。上环是一种非常普遍的用来跟踪鸟行踪的方法,并能提供鸟的年龄信息。但它也会给鸟带来压力。 ringing (wildlife, To attach a numbered ring to the leg of a bird so that its movements can be recorded. Ringing is a very common method of tracing bird movement and providing information about bird's ages. It can also cause stress to the birds)
上诉 appeal (Resort to a superior court to review the decision of an inferior court or administrative agency)
上诉程序 appeal procedure (Procedure through which it is possible to resort to a superior court to review the decision of an inferior court)
焊接 welding (Joining two metals by applying heat to melt and fuse them, with or without filler metal)
脊椎动物 vertebrate (Any chordate animal of the subphylum Vertebrata, characterized by a bony or cartilaginous skeleton and a well-developed brain: the group contains fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals)
脊索动物 chordate (The highest phylum in the animal kingdom, characterized by a notochord, nerve cord, and gill slits; includes the urochordate, lancelets and vertebrates)
下层土 subsoil (Soil underlying surface soil, devoid of plant roots)
下降期指光合能力 decline phase
下雨 rain (Precipitation in the form of liquid water drops with diameters greater than 0.5 millimeter)
洋〔海〕流 ocean current
洋流 ocean current (A net transport of ocean water along a definable path)
程序控制式衰老 programed ageing